How to have multiple TikTok accounts on your PC

10 June, 2024
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can you have multiple tiktok accounts

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms today, boasting over one billion monthly active users. Because it’s so popular, many people must manage multiple TikTok accounts. For example, community managers often juggle different accounts for various brands or clients. Content creators also have multiple accounts to reach different groups of people.

Handling all these accounts from your PC can make life much easier and save you time, so we will explain how you can do it. 

Can I have more than one account on TikTok app?

You can easily have more than one TikTok account on the mobile app. All you need to do is go to your profile and click on your username at the top. This will let you switch between your TikTok accounts or add new ones. It is handy for people who use TikTok on their phones for personal and fun reasons.

However, if you’re using TikTok professionally, whether you’re managing accounts for different businesses or you’re a content creator, a computer can be a much more efficient tool. Unfortunately, the web version of TikTok doesn’t allow you to switch or add accounts like the mobile app does. But don’t worry! We’ll show you how to manage multiple TikTok accounts from your PC later.

Why you may need multiple TikTok accounts

There are plenty of reasons why you might need more than one TikTok account. Here are a few common scenarios:

  • Community Managers: If you’re a community manager, you likely handle multiple TikTok accounts for different brands or clients. Each brand has its own voice, style, and audience, so separate accounts help keep everything organized and professional.
  • Content Creators: Many content creators have different accounts for different types of content. For example, you might have one account for your cooking videos and another for your travel adventures. This helps you target specific audiences and keep your content focused.
  • Personal vs. Professional Use: Some people prefer to keep their personal TikTok account separate from their professional one. This way, you can share fun and personal videos with friends and family on one account while using another for work-related content.
  • Test Accounts: If you like experimenting with different content styles or want to test new ideas, having multiple accounts can be very helpful. You can see what works best without mixing everything on a single account.

Having multiple TikTok accounts can be useful, but managing them on a PC can be challenging. Don’t worry, though! In the next section, we’ll show you how to handle multiple TikTok accounts on your computer.

How to have multiple TikTok accounts on your PC

Managing multiple TikTok accounts on your PC might seem tricky, but it’s doable with the right methods. Using your computer can make it easier to handle several accounts efficiently, especially if you’re juggling professional responsibilities. We’ll show you a few ways to keep all your TikTok accounts organized and accessible on your PC.

1. Manage all your TikTok accounts in one interface

One of the best tools for managing multiple TikTok accounts on your PC is Rambox. Rambox is a workspace simplifier that lets you keep all the apps you need in one place. It’s a fantastic tool for community managers and the perfect way to keep multiple TikTok accounts organized and efficient.

With Rambox, you can organize all your TikToks however you like. For example, suppose you’re in charge of social media for several companies. In that case, you can create a separate workspace for each client, including all their social media accounts. Or, if you prefer to categorize your apps by each social network, you can set up a workspace for each one:

can you have multiple tiktok accounts

This way, you can also manage multiple WhatsApp accounts  or seamlessly have all your Instagram apps on your desktop.

Try Rambox for free! Just sign up, download the app and you can start enjoying all its features. No cards, no cheating, it’s that simple!

Here’s how to add all your TikTok accounts to your Rambox session in 4 simple steps: 

  • Click on the “+add an app or workspace” button.

Add workspace

  • Type “TikTok” in the search bar and select it.

can you have multiple tiktok accounts

  • Customize your TikTok settings to your liking. Remember to choose the “Private” profile to access TikTok with different credentials.

can you have multiple tiktok accounts

  • Click “+ Add,” and that’s it! You can now enjoy your TikTok app on your PC. 

Repeat this process to add as many TikTok accounts as you want to your main menu or workspaces.

Try Rambox for free

2. Manage your TikTok accounts with different Profiles

Another way to manage multiple TikTok accounts on your PC is to use different browser profiles. Each browser profile operates in its environment, keeping your TikTok accounts separate. This means you can log in to different TikTok accounts simultaneously without overlapping.

Here’s how you can do it in Chrome, Safari and Microsoft Edge:

Google Chrome:

  • Open Chrome and click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  • Select “Add” to create a new profile.
  • Set up the new profile with a unique name and icon.
  • Sign in to your different TikTok accounts in each profile.


  • Open Safari and go to “Safari” in the menu bar.
  • Choose “Preferences” and then “Manage Profiles”.
  • Click on the “+” button to add a new profile.
  • Customize the new profile and sign in to your various TikTok accounts.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Open Edge and click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  • Select “Add profile” and follow the steps to create a new one.
  • Sign in to your different TikTok accounts in each profile.

Each browser profile opens as a separate window on your computer. For example, if you have three profiles in Chrome, clicking on the Chrome icon in the taskbar will show three separate windows, each with the websites opened in that profile.

3. Manage your TikTok accounts with different Browsers

Another way to handle multiple TikTok accounts on your PC is using different web browsers for each account. When you use separate browsers for each account, they work independently.

This method lets you keep each TikTok account completely separate by easily opening multiple browsers and signing in to each account independently. For example, you can use Chrome to manage your personal TikTok account, Microsoft Edge for your client account, and Mozilla for your test TikTok account.

What’s the best option to manage all your TikTok accounts? Comparison table

PROSCentralized management of multiple accountsFamiliar interface within the same browserComplete separation between accounts with independent browser instances
Convenient and user-friendly interfaceCustomizable browser settings for each profileFlexibility to customize browser environments for specific needs
Support for various platforms and applications
Customizable settings and preferences
Enhanced organization and productivity in managing accounts
CONSRequires installation and setupRisk of confusion when managing multiple profiles within the same browserPotential confusion with multiple browser windows
Potential performance issues resulting from having multiple profiles open simultaneouslyPossible performance impact with multiple browsers open
Reduced efficiency and heightened potential for confusion when navigating between accountsLess efficient and prone to confusion between accounts
Difficulty in locating and organizing accounts within different profilesDifficulty in finding and managing accounts
Increased likelihood of disorder and confusion when managing multiple TikTok accounts within profilesPotential for confusion and disorganization


So, when managing multiple TikTok accounts on your PC, Rambox takes the cake! With its easy-to-use interface, all-in-one management, and support for various platforms, Rambox makes juggling your accounts a breeze. While other methods have perks, Rambox is the top choice for keeping your TikTok experience organized and hassle-free. Say goodbye to the headache of switching between accounts and hello to seamless TikTok management. 

Try Rambox for free

Try Rambox for free! Just sign up, download the app and you can start enjoying all its features. No cards, no cheating, it’s that simple!



10 June, 2024
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