Best productivity apps for entrepreneurs

13 March, 2023
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Best productivity apps for entrepreneurs

In today’s fast-paced business world, entrepreneurs must stay on top of their game to succeed. One of the keys to success is being productive and efficient with their time.

Fortunately, many productivity apps are available that can help entrepreneurs streamline their workflows and increase their productivity. Whether you’re looking for a tool to manage your tasks, schedule your appointments, or collaborate with your team, there’s an app.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the best productivity apps every entrepreneur should consider using to help them stay organized and focused on achieving their business goals.


Dropbox is a cloud-based file storage and sharing service that has become incredibly popular among individuals and businesses. With Dropbox, users can easily store and access their files from any device with an Internet connection, making it a convenient solution for those who work remotely or travel frequently.

Dropbox offers a wide range of functionalities:

  • File storage: Dropbox provides cloud-based file storage, allowing users to easily store and access their files from any device with an internet connection.
  • File sharing: Users can share files and folders, making it easy to collaborate on projects and work together in real time.
  • File syncing: Dropbox automatically syncs files across devices, ensuring that users always have the most up-to-date version of their files.
  • Security: Dropbox uses industry-standard security measures to protect user data, including encryption and two-factor authentication.
  • Collaboration tools: Dropbox offers a range of collaboration tools, including the ability to assign tasks, comment on files, and set up shared folders. Dropbox paper is an example of these tools.
  • Mobile access: Dropbox has mobile apps for iOS and Android, making accessing and working on files from your smartphone or tablet easy.
  • Integration with other apps: Dropbox integrates with many other apps, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Slack.

Dropbox’s functionalities make it a valuable tool for anyone who needs to store, share, and collaborate on files.


Dropbox offers a variety of plans, including a free plan with limited storage and paid plans with more advanced features and additional storage.

pricing Dropbox


Trello is a web-based tool that uses a system of boards, lists, and cards to help users manage projects. The boards represent projects, and the lists represent the different stages or categories of tasks within a project. The cards are individual tasks or to-do items that can be moved between lists and boards.

Trello allows you to group boards according to your interests. For example, you can group your boards by “Collections” according to the business team, such as HR or Marketing, by “Board Type,” whether it’s projects, meetings, brainstorming, or by strategic initiative.

Visually Trello gives you an at-a-glance perspective across your entire project, making it easy to see who is doing what and what still needs to be done.

Trello has many features that make it an excellent tool for project management. Some of the key features and benefits include:

  • Ease of use: Trello’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Flexibility: Trello is flexible enough for various personal and business projects.
  • Collaboration: Trello makes it easy to collaborate with team members by allowing users to share boards and cards with others.
  • Organization: Trello’s board and list system makes it easy to organize tasks and projects, making it easy to prioritize and manage your workload.
  • Mobile App: Trello’s mobile app makes managing your projects easy, ensuring you always meet all deadlines and remember a task.


Trello offers four pricing plans: Free, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise.

pricing trello


Slack is an online communication application designed for work teams that need to collaborate on projects and tasks in real-time. It allows instant messaging, file and document sharing, audio and video calls, and collaboration in channels and discussion groups.

This tool is top-rated among companies and organizations because it allows work teams to stay connected and updated on the progress of projects. Some of Slack’s most prominent features include:

  • Channels: Slack enables users to create channels to discuss specific topics, making organizing and finding relevant information more accessible.
  • Integrations: Slack integrates with hundreds of other apps and services, allowing users to automate tasks and share information more effectively.
  • Instant messaging: Slack offers an instant messaging platform that enables users to send messages to individuals and groups quickly and efficiently.
  • Video conferencing: Slack lets users make video and audio calls with individuals and groups quickly and easily.
  • File sharing: Slack allows users to share files and documents quickly and securely.
  • Advanced search: Slack offers an advanced search feature that lets users quickly find relevant information in shared messages and files.
  • Advanced security: Slack offers advanced security features, such as two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption, to protect data and information transmitted on the platform.


Slack has different payment plan options to suit the needs of your teams and your company. They are as follows:

Slack pricing


Rambox is a workspace organizer that allows you to unify as many applications as you want, all in one place. This way, you can work with the applications you want from the same place, keeping order and helping you be more efficient and productive.


In addition to being able to download and work in Rambox with more than 700 applications, it has features and functionalities that will help you increase your productivity. Here are some examples:

  • Customizable workspaces: Select from hundreds of applications to customize your space and organize your applications by grouping them into workspaces. Configure your workspace to have applications in fullscreen or tile mode. Using the different pre-defined layouts, you can have all your apps displayed in a way that fits your needs.
  • Notification management: Choose each application and workspace if you want to see a desktop notification and hear a sound. Never miss anything by going to the Notification Center. Rambox keeps track of all your notifications so you can constantly be updated and quickly navigate to the application that notified you. The app also visually reminds you of each application’s unread messages or emails, so you can quickly decide where your attention is needed.
  • Quick Search: You’ll be able to save time by jumping from one app to another fast. Reply to someone in Slack, read an email, or finish editing your document at ninja speed. The Quick Search feature also allows you to search not only for applications but also files or conversations.
  • Focus Mode: With this mode, you can choose whether to disable notifications indefinitely or set a manual time so that nothing disturbs you while you finish your task.
  • Extensions: Our selection of Google Chrome extensions will make your day-to-day life much easier. You can improve your productivity by integrating applications like 1Password, an adblocker that allows you not to watch advertising, Grammarly to save time in revisions, and much more.
  • JavaScript and CSS injection: Rambox allows changing the behavior of an application by including code to add extra functionality, change a default action, etc. With JavaScript injection, developers can tweak all these details to improve their experience with any application. In addition, the layout of applications can also be changed manually or using a Stylish service.
  • Real-time synchronization: When you change your workspace settings in Rambox, such as adding a workspace, reordering your applications, or muting certain notifications, our servers will save these changes. The application will be synchronized instantly if you have the application installed on another device.


Rambox has three different plans: Basic Plan, Pro Plan, and Enterprise Plan.

These three options have different functionalities, so you can choose which suits you.

pricing Rambox


Zoom is an excellent productivity app for entrepreneurs. The video conferencing software app allows users to host and attend virtual meetings, webinars, and other online events. It offers a variety of features, including screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, breakout rooms, and recording.

Here are some of the key features of Zoom:

  • Video conferencing: Zoom allows users to host video conferences with up to 1,000 participants, depending on the plan. Participants can join from a computer, smartphone, or tablet and share audio and video.
  • Screen sharing: Zoom allows users to share their screens with other participants, which is helpful for presentations and collaboration.
  • Virtual backgrounds: Zoom enables users to choose a virtual environment, an image or video, to use during a video call.
  • Breakout rooms: Zoom allows the host to create small groups to meet separately during a more important meeting.
  • Recording: Zoom enables users to record their meetings, which can be helpful for reference or for those who were unable to attend.


Zoom offers several pricing plans, including free and paid plans that provide more features and functionality. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing for each plan:

zoom pricing


Grammarly is an online writing assistant that helps users improve their grammar, spelling, and writing style. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to identify errors and suggest improvements, which can save time and improve the quality of writing.

The app can be used as a browser extension, desktop app, or mobile app, making it easy to use across various devices. It can be integrated with popular writing tools such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs and social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Some of its key features and functionalities include:

  • Grammar and Spelling Checker: Grammarly scans text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors and suggests real-time corrections.
  • Clarity and Readability: Grammarly provides feedback on the readability and clarity of writing, helping users improve their style and tone.
  • Tone Detection: Grammarly can analyze text to determine its tone, such as whether it is formal, casual, or academic.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Grammarly’s paid plans include a plagiarism checker that scans text for potential plagiarism, helping users avoid accidental or intentional plagiarism.
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: Grammarly suggests alternative words and phrases to improve the vocabulary and style of writing.
  • Writing Goals: Grammarly allows users to set goals for their writing, such as the intended audience, tone, and style, and provides feedback to help achieve those goals.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Grammarly can be integrated with popular writing tools such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs, as well as social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Overall, Grammarly is a powerful writing tool that can help users improve their grammar, spelling, style, and tone. Its features and functionalities are designed to save time and improve the quality of writing, making it a valuable tool for professionals, students, and anyone who wants to communicate effectively.


Grammarly offers free and paid plans, with the paid plans providing more advanced features such as a plagiarism checker and a writing assistant for specific industries.

grammarly pricing


Evernote is a note-taking app that allows users to capture and organize information in various formats, such as text, images, and audio recordings. It is a powerful productivity tool for entrepreneurs, students, and anyone who needs to keep track of a large amount of information. It is a powerful note-taking app that can help users stay organized, productive, and informed.

The app offers a range of critical features and functionalities to help users capture, organize, and access their information:

  • Note Creation: Evernote allows users to create notes in various formats, such as text, images, audio, and video recordings. Users can also add attachments to their notes, such as PDFs and other documents.
  • Note Organization: Evernote offers a variety of tools to help users organize their notes, including the ability to create notebooks, tags, and stacks. Users can also use the search function to find specific notes quickly.
  • Note Syncing: Evernote automatically syncs notes across all devices, making accessing and editing notes from anywhere accessible.
  • Web Clipper: Evernote’s web clipper allows users to save web pages and articles directly into Evernote with a single click. This makes it easy to keep track of online research and inspiration.
  • Collaboration: Evernote allows users to share notes and notebooks with others, making it a helpful tool for group projects and team collaboration.
  • Advanced Search: Evernote’s advanced search function allows users to search for notes based on keywords, tags, and handwritten text recognition.
  • Reminders and To-Do Lists: Evernote will enable users to set reminders and create to-do lists, helping users stay organized and productive.


Evernote offers a variety of pricing options for its users. Here are the current pricing plans for Evernote.

evernote pricing


Asana is a web and mobile application that is designed to help teams collaborate and manage their work more effectively. It provides a centralized platform where team members can organize their tasks, track their progress, and communicate with one another. Asana is used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, as well as by individuals and freelancers.

At its core, Asana is a project management tool that allows users to create projects, assign tasks to team members, and track the progress of those tasks. The platform offers a range of features to help users stay organized and focused, such as setting due dates, creating subtasks, and attaching files and comments to tasks.

It offers a range of features and functionalities to make project management more efficient and effective:

  • Task Management allows users to create and assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress. Users can also add subtasks, comments, and attachments to tasks.
  • Project Planning provides tools for project planning, including the ability to create project timelines, assign tasks to team members, and set project milestones.
  • Collaboration makes it easy for team members to collaborate on tasks and projects. Users can communicate through comments, status updates, and private messaging. They can also receive notifications and alerts about task updates and changes.
  • Integrations with various other tools and apps, such as Slack, Google Drive, and Salesforce, make it easy to connect Asana with different workflows and processes.
  • Dashboards and Reporting offer customizable dashboards and reports that allow users to track their team’s progress and performance. Users can also export data and generate custom reports.
  • Mobile App offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, making it easy for users to access their tasks and projects on the go.


Asana has three different pricing plans: Basic, Premium, and Business.

asana pricing


1Password is a password manager that helps users securely store and manage their login credentials and other sensitive information. It is available as a web application, browser extension, and mobile app, making it easy for users to access their passwords anywhere and on any device.

It offers several features and functionalities that make it a popular choice among users, such as:

  • Password generation: 1Password can create strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts, eliminating the need to remember multiple passwords.
  • Password storage: The app securely stores your passwords and other sensitive information, such as credit card details and personal notes, in an encrypted vault that can only be accessed with a master password.
  • Auto-fill and auto-login: 1Password can automatically fill in your login credentials on websites and mobile apps, saving you time and effort.
  • Cross-platform support: 1Password is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, allowing you to sync your passwords across all your devices.
  • Secure sharing: You can share passwords and other sensitive information with trusted family members, friends, or colleagues while controlling over who has access to what.
  • Two-factor authentication: 1Password supports two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security to your account.
  • Watchtower: This feature checks your stored passwords against known data breaches and alerts you if any of your accounts are at risk.


1Password does not have a free option, though the paid plans have a 14-day free trial. The application has four different payment plans, two for personal and family use and three for teams and companies.

pricing password

pricing password

How to add all these apps in Rambox?

Rambox allows you to unify as many applications as you want in the same place, making it the perfect tool to improve productivity when working with multiple applications.

If you want to add any of the mentioned applications to your taskbar to improve your concentration and productivity when working with Rambox, you will only have to follow three simple steps.

1. Click on the + icon in your applications panel.


2. Choose which applications you want to add to Rambox.


Configure your preferences and click “add”.


That’s it! You can now work with the applications you want, all on the same desktop and in an organized way.


If the number of applications you work with overwhelms you, and you can’t optimize your time and resources, try Rambox for free. Just download the program, configure it to your liking, and enjoy its features. No cards, no cheating, it’s that simple!

Any questions about the features of Rambox? Do not hesitate to contact us!

13 March, 2023
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